Concussion Epidemiology
Whilst it is helpful to suspect concussion in sports where it is common, it is also important to have a high index of suspicion coupled with sound clinical judgement whenever assessing the potential for concussion following an injury.
Marar M, McIIvain NM, Fields SK, et al. Epidemiology of concussions among United States high school athletes in 20 sports. Am JSports Med. 2012;40(4):747–755
Epidemiology: gender differences
Contact sports such as football and hockey are more commonly associated with concussive symptoms than sports where impact is transmitted to the head following contact with the ground
Children and adolescents are more susceptible to concussive injuries because the grains are still developing and should be considered separately to adult athletes.
There is also evidence that girls are affected more often than boys when playing the same sports
Lincoln AE, Caswell SV, Almquist JL, et al. Trends in concussion incidence in high school sports: a prospective 11-year study. Am J Sports Med. 2011;39(5):958–963; Castile L, Collins CL, McIIvain NM, et al. The epidemiology of new versus recurrent sports concussion among high school athletes 2005-2010. Br J Sports Med. 2012;46(8):603–610; and Marar M, McIIvain NM, Fields SK, et al. Epidemiology of concussions among United States high school athletes in 20 sports. Am J Sports Med. 2012;40(4):747–755