NeckSafe Level 2 Course 150307

NeckSafe® is the only course in Australia devoted to the Acute Management of Spinal Injuries The NeckSafe® Programme teaches the first person on the scene of a potential Spinal Cord […]

Brain Imaging

Occasionally neuroimaging may be required to assist in the diagnosis and ongoing management of player who has suffered a head injury. Bleeding into or around the brain and swelling compressing [...]

When to Refer to Emergency Department

Players who have suffered a head impact should immediately be referred to the emergency department of a hospital if they have: been unconscious for more than two minutes exhibit focal […]

Monitoring and recovery

Monitor and record any symptoms of concussion such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, sleep disturbances, memory lapses, mood swings, poor concentration and any other unusual feelings. If [...]

Head Injury Assessment (HIA)

The Head Injury Assessment or HI has been introduced by the international Rugby Board to aid in the decision to remove a player form the field immediately and for the […]

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