“Brain Rest”
Initially it is important that the brain, like any other injured part of the body, be allowed to rest.
This physical as well as psychological or cognitive rest, and may entail time away from the workplace or school.
- Initially restrict all physical activity that increases heart rate or blood pressure
- Gym/recess
- Sporting activities
- Working out
- Recreational activities (skateboarding, etc.)
- These restrictions may change based on development of post-concussive syndrome.
Cognitive rest includes reducing academic or workplace loads as well as restricting activities involving videogames, computers, television and mobile phone use.
Because of the reduced reaction time during this post injury period, it may be unwise to allow the injured person to drive a motor bike or car.
- Consider reducing cognitive stress:
- Reduced school day/off school
- Reduced school load
- Untimed tests
- Tutoring
- Reduced school day/off school
- May need to limit video games, texting, reading, computer use, television
- Consideration for restrictions on driving ? reduced reaction time is issue
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