Brain Imaging

Occasionally neuroimaging may be required to assist in the diagnosis and ongoing management of player who has suffered a head injury. Bleeding into or around the brain and swelling compressing [...]

How to use

As part of an overall concussion management program, neurocognitive tests can be of significant assistance. A comprehensive program to involve consultation and education of all those involved in [...]

2 Maddocks Questions

The modified Maddocks questions are similar screening tool to assess whether the player should be immediately removed. In many professional sports the questions are the trigger for a more [...]

Zurich Consensus and SCAT

Since 2001, four international conferences have been held to address key issues in the understanding and management of concussion in sport. After each of these meetings, a summary document was [...]

Axon Cogstate

The Axon Sports Computerized Cognitive Assessment Tool is a neurocognitive test performed on a computer which takes most people between eight and 10 minutes. The test measures multiple cognitive [...]

Concussion is a problem

There can be no doubt that concussion is a significant and growing problem in sport, reflected by increased hospital presentations and ongoing morbidity. Nonetheless, it is estimated that more [...]

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